NexaLibre Terms of Service

Last Updated: 2/7/2024

Spartan IT LLC requires your use of the Services to comply with applicable law and to be consistent with our community standards. The purpose of these Terms of Service (“Terms”) is to inform you of our expectations regarding your use of the Services.

By using or continuing to use a Service, you accept and consent to the rights, obligations, and practices described in these Terms.

Applicability: These Terms apply to you and all individuals/organizations using our hosting services (“NexaLibre”). You shall be responsible for: (i) informing your other users, if any, of the existence of these Terms, as well as any amendments, updates, or modifications made to these Terms; and (ii) agreeing to these Terms, as amended, updated, or modified from time to time, on behalf of all users. These Terms form a part of Spartan IT LLC’s Terms of Service and are a Supplemental Use Policy thereunder. All capitalized terms not expressly defined in these Terms shall have the meaning found in the Master Services Agreement.

Acceptable Use:

  1. Abuse: The Services may only be used for lawful purposes. You shall not use any Service to engage in, foster, or promote illegal, abusive, fraudulent, or irresponsible behavior, including without limitation:
    • Illegal Content: Any content that is illegal, infringes on intellectual property rights, or violates any applicable laws and regulations.
    • Abuse and Harassment: Any use of the service to engage in abusive or harassing behavior, including but not limited to cyberbullying, threats, or any form of harm towards individuals or groups.
    • Fraudulent Activities: Any activities related to fraud, phishing, identity theft, or any other form of deception.
    • Distribution of Malware: Uploading, distributing, or linking to any software or content designed to harm or exploit systems, including viruses, worms, spyware, or other malicious code.
    • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Any attempt to disrupt or overload the services, servers, or networks, including DoS attacks or any other form of network abuse.
    • Unauthorized Access: Attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems, networks, or data, or any other form of hacking or cracking.
    • Child Exploitation: Any content that involves child sexual abuse, exploitation, or any illegal activities involving minors.
    • Violent or Hate Speech: Content that promotes violence, hatred, discrimination, or any form of harm towards individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics.
    • Spam and Unsolicited Communication: Sending unsolicited emails, messages, or any form of communication for the purpose of advertising, phishing, or other spam-related activities.
    • Resource Abuse: Any use of the service that excessively consumes resources, such as CPU, memory, bandwidth, or storage, impacting the performance for other users.
    • Illegal Gambling or Drug-Related Activities: Any content or activities related to illegal gambling or illegal drug use.
    • Violations of Open Source Licenses: Any use of open source projects hosted on your service that violates the terms of their respective licenses.
  2. Excessive Use of System Resources: You shall not use any shared system provided by Spartan IT LLC in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of such shared system or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system.
  3. Vulnerability Testing: You shall not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate, or test the vulnerability of Spartan IT LLC or any Service without Spartan IT LLC’s express written consent.
  4. Offensive Content: You shall not process any content or link to any content that does not comply with applicable law or Spartan IT LLC’s community standards.
  5. Intellectual Property: You shall not use Spartan IT LLC’s network or services to download, publish, display, distribute, copy, or otherwise use or make available in any manner any work protected by law unless authorized.
  6. Live Events: Spartan IT LLC may prohibit you from streaming live events where there is a risk, in Spartan IT LLC’s discretion, that the event may violate these Terms.
  7. Use of Assigned Identification: You shall only use Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses assigned to you by Spartan IT LLC in connection with your use of the Services.
  8. Enforcement and Effect of Violation: Violation of any provision of these Terms may result in the immediate interruption, suspension, or termination of your access and use of the Services, as determined by Spartan IT LLC at its sole discretion.
  9. Service Credits: No service credit shall be available under the Terms of Service for interruptions, suspensions, or terminations of service arising from or related to any violation of these Terms.

Contact Information:

Changes: Amendments to these Terms may be made at any time, and you should check back frequently for any changes. Spartan IT LLC shall have the right and ability to amend these Terms at its sole and absolute discretion, and any amendments herein shall be effective within fourteen (14) days of being posted by Spartan IT LLC or by your continued use of the Services, whichever is later.