How to install WordPress on Ubuntu with a single command

I know installing WordPress on ubuntu manually can be a tedious process, that is why I found a script that can install and create all the required files and users for WordPress.

I do not recommend using this script in production if you don’t know what you are dealing with. Also, feel free to change or add as you need. I see this script as “get it to work as fast as possible to test something out.”

Copy this:


#Creating Random WP Database Credenitals
db_name="wp`date +%s`"
db_password=`date |md5sum |cut -c '1-12'`
sleep 1
mysqlrootpass=`date |md5sum |cut -c '1-12'`
sleep 1

#### Install Packages for https and mysql
apt -y install apache2
apt -y install mysql-server

#### Start http
rm /var/www/html/index.html
systemctl enable apache2
systemctl start apache2

#### Start mysql and set root password

systemctl enable mysql
systemctl start mysql

/usr/bin/mysql -e "USE mysql;"
/usr/bin/mysql -e "UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD($mysqlrootpass) WHERE user='root';"
/usr/bin/mysql -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
touch /root/.my.cnf
chmod 640 /root/.my.cnf
echo "[client]">>/root/.my.cnf
echo "user=root">>/root/.my.cnf
echo "password="$mysqlrootpass>>/root/.my.cnf
####Install PHP
apt -y install php
apt -y install php-mysql
apt -y install php-gd

sed -i '0,/AllowOverride\ None/! {0,/AllowOverride\ None/ s/AllowOverride\ None/AllowOverride\ All/}' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf #Allow htaccess usage

systemctl restart apache2

####Download and extract latest WordPress Package
if test -f /tmp/latest.tar.gz
echo "WP is already downloaded."
echo "Downloading WordPress"
cd /tmp/ && wget "";

/bin/tar -C $install_dir -zxf /tmp/latest.tar.gz --strip-components=1
chown www-data: $install_dir -R

#### Create WP-config and set DB credentials
/bin/mv $install_dir/wp-config-sample.php $install_dir/wp-config.php

/bin/sed -i "s/database_name_here/$db_name/g" $install_dir/wp-config.php
/bin/sed -i "s/username_here/$db_user/g" $install_dir/wp-config.php
/bin/sed -i "s/password_here/$db_password/g" $install_dir/wp-config.php

cat << EOF >> $install_dir/wp-config.php
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

cat << EOF >> $install_dir/.htaccess
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ โ€“ [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

chown www-data: $install_dir -R

##### Set WP Salts
grep -A50 'table_prefix' $install_dir/wp-config.php > /tmp/wp-tmp-config
/bin/sed -i '/**#@/,/$p/d' $install_dir/wp-config.php
/usr/bin/lynx --dump -width 200 >> $install_dir/wp-config.php
/bin/cat /tmp/wp-tmp-config >> $install_dir/wp-config.php && rm /tmp/wp-tmp-config -f
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE $db_name"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER '$db_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '$db_password';"
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db_name.* TO '$db_user'@'localhost';"

######Display generated passwords to log file.
echo "Database Name: " $db_name
echo "Database User: " $db_user
echo "Database Password: " $db_password
echo "Mysql root password: " $mysqlrootpass

Then make a file:


Paste it on the file and save it with “ctrl” + “s” and exit with “ctrl” + “x”

Change the permissions of the file (it will make it possible to execute it):

sudo chmod +x 

Finally, execute the file using administrator privileges:


I hope this guide is useful, don’t forget to come back for more tips and tricks.